Monday, March 19, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

I dont need titles

This week has been such a stressful week. That is basically how i feel about life right now. With the pressure of work bearing down to getting in trouble with the law and school. It seems as if nothing is ever going right. With work I had to stay extra late on monday because some kid burnt his hand on the grill after slipping and the only thing to catch him from falling was the grill. It was quite the sight. I never want to see something like that happen again, or ever have it happen to me. Dakota the kid who got burnt has 2nd degree burns on his hand and cannot work for about 2 weeks. This stresses me because i will probably pick up extra shifts in his place. Not too much complaining, it just gets too overwhelming at times. When things get this way i often get crazy wicked migranes. They are just wonderful. (very sarcastic). Then just yesterday out was out playing disc golf with my friends and at the place we went to there is a gravel parking lot and me being the bad teenager i am i started drifting in the parking lot. I guess a couple people weren't too happy about it and they called the cops on me. I was really nervous when he showed up but at the same time I didnt seem to care because i was already playing when he showed up so I didnt really think it would affect me all that much. But he came up to me and asked what i was doing. So i told him I was just messing around being completely honest about everything. He eventually gave me a wreckless driving ticket after nervously waiting for him to get out of his car for what seemed to be like 40 minutes. I was so mad at myself for letting myself be stupid about this. It was deserved but not the fine. The fine is 400 dollars. That was upsetting enough. My parents really weren't all that mad just more dissapointed than anything. Thats the worst. So then thursday rolls around. Work again. Culvers isn't very busy so i spent the first hour there outside sweeping, after my chore was done i came back inside and was on the drive thru. Around 5:30 a lady pulls up to the drive thru window and was being unresponsive. So after about 5 minutes of trynig to communicate with this woman we finally call 911 and the paramedics arrive. For about 30 minutes i stood outside telling people our drive thru was closed because of this woman. After the paramedics rushed her to the hospital they came back to enjoy some delicious food and they told us she had a stroke. So weird for her to make it all the way to the window and have a stroke right there. But I think she wil be okay. 4 days of stressful fun. Its really what makes life interesting every day.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Kony 2012

Originally I was going to blog about the purchase of my new car. But with the recent uprise in the interest in Joseph Kony I feel as if I will share my opinion. With everybody getting super pumped about Kony2012 and trying to get him as a known person. Funny thing is people already know who is he and what he is doing. If the ignorant people paid attention in our U.S. and global class at school they would realize that this is nothing new. We watched the video in class. When things come down to it, were already fighting a war. Most people didnt want the war in the first place. If we go try to fix problems with Joseph and kill him or whatever they are planning on doing with him we are going to waste more money by sending troops over there, some troops may die. Is that what we really want? I think enough blood has been shed in the middle east. Lets deal with problems in the United States first. There is kids dying here every day from poverty, starving, disease. What are all of you people doing to help the kids here? Watching a video or liking a facebook status is doing absolutely nothing. Yes, it does raise awareness of the whole situation but he has been doing this for 20+ years. What makes you want to try and stop him now. It isn't going to happen. Hes a multi millonaire who has plenty or resources to hide or fight his way out of the situation. When you were younger some kids dreamed of playing army man or woman....these kids get to do it for real life. I'm no ignorant person but when it comes down to the situation everybody is making it worse than it really is. It is a sad thing to see in the world don't get me wrong, but we shouldnt really try to stop things that are out of our control. For the peace of everybody else can we please move on and find a real topic to complain about. Lets get a real movement going where we can actually help people in real situations within our own country instead of something that is far away. Thank you.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Funny Rage Comic

By far has made me laugh the hardest all day. Berish. I hope this makes you giggle. <---Click that.
I cant really think of anything funny to talk about. But i did have a cat once. It died..

From the perspective of my wheelchair. I was late to school, teacher asks why i was late. I told her "I walked"

I'm failing this. Poop.